Who regulates oil and gas?


In Texas, two primary state agencies oversee oil and gas regulations: the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).

  • Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC): The RRC manages most aspects of oil and gas drilling, including well spacing, design, and groundwater protection during drilling. It also ensures operational and public safety standards are met.

  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ): TCEQ focuses on controlling air emissions from oil and gas activities, overseeing the required depth and installation of steel casing and cement for wells, and ensuring any off-site impacts meet public health and safety standards.

New Mexico:

Oil, gas, and geothermal activities in New Mexico are regulated by the Oil Conservation Division (OCD). The division is responsible for:

  • Collecting well production data.

  • Issuing permits for new wells.

  • Enforcing state rules and oil and gas statutes.

  • Ensuring abandoned wells are properly plugged.

  • Overseeing responsible land restoration following drilling activities.