Vital to the PBPA's mission are the educational opportunities we provide to our membership. The best source of education is often through our standing committees and ad hoc groups. These committees are populated and run by our members with PBPA staff assistance. The educational opportunities are not just limited to the ability to hear presentations on hot topics from speakers outside the association, but also come in the form of best practice sharing sessions amongst members. There are also tremendous action items that come out of PBPA’s committees. These projects help the PBPA staff in our advocacy efforts for the oil and gas industry of the Permian Basin.
Currently, the PBPA maintains the following standing committees, all of which are open to any PBPA member who meets the requisite membership level requirements (Wildcat level or higher) except for the Executive and Legal Committees, whose members are selected by vote of the membership at large and by the Board of Directors, respectively:
Texas Legislative Committee
The Permian Basin Petroleum Association Texas Legislative Committee (TXLC) is a standing committee reporting to the PBPA Board of Directors. The TXLC’s mission is to monitor, discuss, advocate on behalf of, and provide analysis for the PBPA members on all legislative matters affecting oil and natural gas operations in the Texas portion of the Permian Basin. Along with monitoring legislative matters in Texas this committee also collaborates with the New Mexico Legislative Committee to monitor legislative matters at the Federal level.
New Mexico Legislative Committee
The Permian Basin Petroleum Association New Mexico Legislative Committee (NMLC) is a standing committee reporting to the PBPA Board of Directors. The NMLC’s mission is to monitor, discuss, advocate on behalf of, and provide analysis for the PBPA members on all legislative matters affecting oil and natural gas operations in the New Mexico portion of the Permian Basin. Along with monitoring legislative matters in New Mexico this committee also collaborates with the Texas Legislative Committee to monitor legislative matters at the Federal level.
Regulatory Practices Committee
The Permian Basin Petroleum Association Regulatory Practices Committee (RPC) is a standing PBPA committee reporting to the PBPA Board of Directors. The RPC’s mission is to monitor, discuss, provide official comments, and provide analysis for the PBPA members on all regulatory matters affecting oil and natural gas operations in the Permian Basin. Agencies monitored include agencies in Texas, New Mexico, and at the Federal level.
Endangered Species Committee
The Endangered Species Committee focuses on those species listed or proposed to be listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act. The Committee discusses and implements strategies and actions to limit if not prevent unnecessary listings which could affect operations in the Permian Basin.
Health, Safety & Environment Committee
The HSE Committee meets to discuss in-place regulations as they concern health, safety, or the environment, provides the members a forum to discuss best practices in this arena, and works on projects to improve the operations of all companies throughout the Permian Basin.
Electrical Coalition
The PBPA Electrical Coalition (EC) is a standing PBPA coalition reporting to the PBPA Board of Directors. The EC’s mission is to engage policymakers within the electrical industry (Electrical Reliability Council of Texas [ERCOT], Transmission Distribution Service Provider [TDSP], and Public Utility Commission [PUC]) to advocate for issues that directly affect Permian Basin oil and gas operators. The EC will work to establish industry policy on electrical issues as determined by the coalition in conjunction with the PBPA Board of Directors. The EC will coordinate with the appropriate PBPA representatives to ensure the proper coordination and management of data flow and communication regarding electrical issues and concerns with state legislative bodies.
Water Committee
The Permian Basin Petroleum Association Water Committee (WC) is a standing PBPA committee reporting to the PBPA Board of Directors (BOD). The WC’s mission is to monitor and advise the PBPA membership and PBPA staff in regard to current and future topics regarding water and its use by the oil and gas industry throughout the Texas and New Mexico portions of the Permian Basin. The WC will also coordinate with the appropriate PBPA representatives to ensure the proper coordination and management of data flow and communication regarding water issues and concerns with state legislative bodies.
Species, Habitat, Operations Committee (SHOC)
The SHOC’s focus is on those species listed or proposed to be listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act. The Committee discusses and implements strategies and actions to limit if not prevent unnecessary listings which could affect operations in the Permian Basin.
Legal Committee
The Permian Basin Petroleum Association (the “PBPA”) Legal Committee (the “LC”) is a standing PBPA committee reporting to the PBPA Board of Directors (the “BOD”). The LC’s mission is to develop strategy and responses to litigious matters contemplated by the PBPA or involving the PBPA, to monitor the processes, procedures, billing associated with and outcomes of those litigious matters, and to provide other advice and support to other PBPA committees concerning any actions contemplated by any such committee when needed. Any recommendations made by the LC to the BOD must be supported by a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the LC members.
Ad Hoc Groups
Ad hoc groups that have met for the PBPA over the past year have included the PBPA Reeves County Workgroup and Dark Skies Initiative Advisory Group, neither of which are PBPA standing committees but are groups organized by the PBPA for a specific purpose. Both of these groups focus on activities in the Delaware Basin area of the greater Permian Basin. The Dark Skies group focuses specifically on operational activities that could help keep the skies of West Texas dark for the McDonald Observatory in Ft. Davis, Texas. The Reeves County group provides operators in Reeves County a venue to discuss common problems or roadblocks to operations and advises the PBPA on activities to be taken to help reduce or remove those problems and roadblocks.
Join a Committee
We have several committees in which members at the Wildcat level of membership or higher may participate. If interested please use the form below to contact our offices.