The PBPA offers several events throughout the year to provide networking opportunities to members and non-members alike. Our events include educational forums, committee meetings, Membership Luncheons, the Top Hand Award Banquet, Spring Swing Golf Tournament, Clay Shoot & Oil Patch Pit King Challenge, and PBPA Annual Meeting.
PBPA members receive exclusive discounts on most event tickets and some event sponsorship opportunities. For additional information or registration options, please contact Jamie Ramirez at

Annual PBPA Events
Top Hand Award Banquet
The Top Hand Award Banquet is held each year in January to honor the previous year's Top Hand Award winner. The formal event features a cocktail reception, banquet dinner, and speeches in honor of the award recipient. This is typically PBPA's largest and most well-attended event.
Spring Swing Golf Tournament
Each Spring, the PBPA hosts a four-man scramble for a day of sport and networking. Typically held at Odessa Country Club, participants enjoy food, drinks, golf, and raffle prizes. This event also features numerous sponsorship opportunities to help further your business.
Clay Shoot & Oil Patch Pit King Challenge
The annual PBPA Clay Shoot and Pit Challenge allows members to gather, compete, and socialize while working to expand their professional networks. Lots of raffle items and cash prizes are given away to registered shooters. Sponsorships are also available for the clay shoot.
PBPA Annual Meeting
PBPA invites all members to gather together every fall for the Annual Meeting. This event is a great opportunity for networking and education, as we host several insightful panel discussions with industry experts. During the conference, members elect new committee and board members, discuss industry issues, and strengthen professional networks.
Membership Luncheons
PBPA periodically holds membership luncheons featuring a distinguished guest speaker. Membership Luncheons are a great way to meet fellow PBPA members and hear from experts on topics that are pertinent to the oil & gas industry.
Permian Basin Environmental Regulatory Seminar
Each year the PBPA co-hosts the Permian Basin Environmental Regulatory Seminar in partnership with Midland College's Petroleum Professional Development Center. This educational event allows attendees to receive updates on important regulatory information and hear from industry experts.
Full Event Calendar
PBPA Members: To add your company's event to the public calendar, log into the Member Center. (The tools in that Member Center are only accessible at certain levels of membership. Please contact us for more information.)