
Our Mission

To advocate for safe and responsible oil and gas development and to provide education on safety, legislation, regulation, and support services for the industry.

Our Membership

The PBPA Membership is comprised of a variety of companies and individuals invested in the success of the oil and gas industry in the Permian Basin. Ranging from large publicly traded producers and service companies to family-owned operations, financial firms, and non-profit organizations, our members represent the array of people and industries backing oil & gas.

Benefits of Membership

Legislative & Regulatory Involvement

The PBPA has staff and consultants in the capitals of Texas, New Mexico, and the United States to ensure strong relationships with elected officials and regulatory agencies. During each legislative session, the PBPA works diligently to track hundreds of bills in Texas, New Mexico, and Washington, D.C. that could impact the oil and gas industry. The PBPA staff continually monitors legislative bills and proposed regulations to stay connected, educated, and involved in the rule-making processes. Usually, these bills include environmental, tax, water, transportation, air pollution, anti-fracking, and permitting legislation just to name a few.

PBPA Members have the opportunity to provide input and learn more about pertinent rules, policies, or legislation by joining the Legislative Committees or Regulatory Practices Committee.

Networking Opportunities

The membership events hosted by the association provide excellent opportunities for business professionals to interact and build useful networks. Whether you are building relationships with local businessmen or meeting your state legislator the networks created will prove to be invaluable.


The PBPA is highly involved in educating industry employees and the general public. Our standing committees provide collaborative settings for members to discuss and analyze industry wide issues and glean knowledge from others experiences. Within our standing committees and at our monthly luncheons, members also have the opportunity to hear from expert speakers on industry related topics.

The PBPA also helps coordinate studies depicting the impact of the oil and gas industry in terms of economic stimulation, job creation, taxes, and many others. These educational tools are used to educate PBPA members, the public at large, and decision-making legislators in Texas, New Mexico, and Washington, D.C.

PBO&G & The American Oil & Gas Reporter Magazines

The PBPA produces a monthly news publication for the promotion of business efficiency and the betterment of the Permian Basin oil and gas industry. Published at the beginning of each month, Permian Basin Oil & Gas magazine reaches more than 5500 readers with pertinent industry information and local business advertisements.


PBPA distributes updates that provide pertinent industry and legislative information via email to members. Links to additional reports, information, news stories, and communications resources can be found in our Member Center or on the website.


Through exclusive Member-to-Member digital advertising opportunities in the PBPA newsletter and e-blasts and the PBO&G Magazine, membership with the PBPA will allow you to further your company's brand and increase your customer base.

The PBO&G Magazine offers printed advertising in its monthly publications and digital offerings through its website and e-blasts. New PBPA members also receive a substantial discount on print advertising upon joining!

What Can PBPA Do For Your Company?

As the oldest and most active association in our region, PBPA has an outstanding track record of representing companies and technological innovators within the Permian Basin. Many of our members have found that by utilizing resources and tools provided by PBPA, they are better equipped to stay on top of important legislative and regulatory issues that directly impact their business. Plus, members create important alliances and networks within the association that leverage key contacts within the oil and gas industry.